What is unique about Triple-i is that you as a writer can give a sign to any of your favourite stories you find in this website.
However, you can only be allowed to do that if any of your work was given at least one sign.
If one of your work hasn't been given a sign, it will be removed from the system in 7 days.(Therefore you should comment right after you have posted your work)
If your work has received 1 to 4 signatures, it will remain in the system for 3 months
Your work will remain forever if you can obtain more than 4 signatures for your work.
As a free user, you have the freedom to read stories and poems that have 0 to 49 signatures.
You as a writer have the privilege to read stories and poems that have 50 to 149 signatures if one of your work has managed to get at least 50 signatures
For stories and poems with 150 to 249 signatures, you need to get at least 150 signatures for your work. The same thing goes for stories and poems with 250 to 349 signatures;350 to 449 signatures, so on and so forth.
Most importantly, if you have given a sign to another writer's work, you can get free access to that work no matter how many signatures it has.